

In the big ol universe of LinkedIn, you are the hidden gem that future clients are desperately searching for.

But if they can't see the incredible expertise and personality you possess, that’s kinda like keeping a masterpiece covered up in the attic.

Let’s take that dust cover off, Darlin, and put you in a place of high visibility!

Imagine the possibilities when prospects on LinkedIn experience what it’s like to trust and work with you... without having to set up a discovery call first:

  • Rely less on referrals and RFPs because prospects immediate think of you first.
  • Your DMs active with meaningful conversations instead of salesy pitches by bots.
  • Speaking gigs, podcast appearances, and other opportunities contacting you "because we love what you’re doing on LinkedIn!"

My "Boldly LinkedIn Masterclass" is this Thursday. Specifically designed for consultants, fractionals, and freelancers who want to level-up their professional brand, this 60 minute session will:

  • Unblock classic issues such as not knowing what to post, and the fear of being truly authentic.
  • Unlock the 3 kinds of content that position you as a trusted advisor, not phony stranger.
  • Unearth branding and marketing tactics that feel good, not icky.

Find yourself drawing a blank on what to post (even with ChatGPT open)?

Feeling too promotional on the platform, and wanna weave in more passion?

Tired of watching others in your field get the attention you also deserve?

Then with only 48 hours left to enroll, the time to act is now.

Don't let another day go by where your dim your bright light. 7 other soloists have decided they’re ready to be bold on LinkedIn. Join us?

Your Bold Buddy,
Alison K

PS: Dearly want this but the timing isn’t right? Boldly LinkedIn will be recorded and a worksheet provided if you want to do it on your own time.

Alison K Consulting, 3271 Agricola Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K4H4, Canada

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