Plus, permission to ditch marketing that doesn’t serve you
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Satisfy your craving for better marketing results.
Creative tire chocks: remove obstacles keeping you majorly stuck

In working with founders to turn their marketing into something sustainable and enjoyable, I address obstacles. Often, the only thing holding us back from satisfying work is something seemingly small that is holding up important work. Jeremy Enns calls these “creative tire chocks” (the tiny wedge that keeps giant aeroplanes from rolling away). So perfect!

Creative Tire Chocks: How to Identify & Remove the Tiny Obstacles Keeping You Majorly Stuck addresses the three chocks you might come across and how to remove them:
  1. An external circumstance that needs to fall into place
  2. An action or task to complete
  3. A decision to be made

My question to you: if anything in Jeremy’s article resonates with you when it comes to sorting your marketing, feel free to connect with me.

Stock photos of women of colour in tech

Another resource for greater representation of all people in your marketing: here’s a really cool gallery of stock photos of women of colour in tech.

The creators ask that you “use these photos to show a different representation of all women in tech. That you should use these images in pieces about entrepreneurs, software engineers, infosec professionals, IT analysts, marketers, and other people who make up the tech ecosystem.” You can use them as long as you attribute

My question to you: do you have any marketing asset sites that leave the boring old stock world in the dust? Please reply and let me know so I can put it in a future issue!

Easy ways to make more exciting social media videos

Do you like how other brands seem to make awesome videos with just their phones like I do? Well, we don’t have to hire a production company to get similar results!

Check out Nordic Scott on Instagram for quick phone video tips that look amazing. It seems the key is to film 4 to 5 different shots, using movement to achieve them. From “how to film cake” to “taking a car trip”, I'm sure you’ll find these tricks inspiring, no matter what you’re trying to communicate. I can’t wait to try some of these out!

My question to you: could you free up a few hours a month for Research and development to try new content creation methods? What would happen if you treated R&D time like you did a client meeting in terms of importance in your schedule? 

Types of greenwashing and how to avoid them in your business

Greenwashing is when a brand creates a false/misleading impression of how environmentally conscious they are. Sometimes this happens, even with the best of intentions. So local sustainability marketers at R&G decoded nine types of greenwashing and what to do instead.

I think everyone could benefit from giving it a read, whether your work is related to sustainability or not. The article addresses topics such as:
  • Fluffy language
  • SDG bingo
  • Imaginary friends

I love how they frame each topic, and the post itself is a great example of keeping a complex topic easy to digest. Once we know better, we do better.

My question to you: have you recently reviewed your website for places to improve transparency and clarity?

the same business person wearing a tie over and over again into infinity
Your inbox one week after buying that one thing online.
Reminder: marketing a service is not the same as marketing a consumer product

  • Sending daily emails.
  • Avoiding "controversial" topics on social media.
  • Focusing on features and specs.
  • Making engagement the most important KPI.
  • Downplaying your experience as the founder.
  • Getting prospects into the sales funnel ASAP.
  • Writing FAQ posts for SEO.

These marketing tips might work well for brands selling off-the-shelf products, but not necessarily service-based offerings!

Products have the advantage of being tangible and easier to make a decision on. They don't worry about unsubscribes from daily emailing because they sell enough units to justify the churn, or know readers will stay for the chance of a sale. And product brands can play it "safe" with their content because often consumers aren't invested in the people behind the brand.

But if the service you offer is:
  • Innovative
  • Sensitive in nature
  • Intangible
  • Highly bespoke
  • A big investment

... you've got to "court" prospects towards trust and commitment. This means wooing them with your expertise, confirming you have the same values, and helping them picture a future with you.

Also, service-based brands don't have to dole out pushy shit. That's my kind of marketing! Is it yours too?

Then feel free to ditch the marketing advice that isn't serving you. When reading articles or watching webinars, double-check that the creator has the unique circumstances of purpose-driven services in mind.

And if you’re looking for guidance, I'd love to be your wingperson in wooing your wonderful audience.


Where I’m yammering next

Oct. 5th: Better Marketing Content With Audience Research
If you feel like your marketing has been a bit of a grind or isn’t getting the engagement you’d hoped for, Audience Research is to the rescue! This free online webinar is open to all Nova Scotian tourism brands.

Oct. 5th: Digital Skills for Women+: SEO Consulting
An overview of what SEO is, how it might be a fit for your transition into the ITC sector, and my experience as a marketing consultant and business owner For current cohort participants, do check out the programme and spread the word for the next session!

Want to inspire your team or audience to do more with their marketing through high-energy humour? I’d love to hold a talk, seminar, or workshop for them.
Alison K Consulting, 3271 Agricola Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K4H4, Canada

Now that I’m on Instagram, please say hi! I’m still getting cozy there but would love to follow you.

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