

First, if you're not interested in this upcoming newsletter workshop, click here and I shall not send about it to ya through this newsletter.

Can we talk about the OTHER growth metric in marketing?

The one that doesn't fit neatly in a spreadsheet?

I'm talking about... personal satisfaction.

Yes, a positive feeling for doing what feels right. That adds to your cup instead of taking it away.

It's real, and it has an impact for founders and small teams running their own marketing.

Take Ruha here, for example.

Through my Fall Back In Love With Your Newsletter quirkshop, she reconnected with the WHY behind her newsletter. She told me it was the catalyst for getting back into the email-sending groove, still going strong all these months later!

In a time where there's so much pressure to perform, hack, disrupt, and optimize your way to marketing success (ugghh)... what if we centered our efforts around what feels good, and what flows easily?

Since service-based marketing is about building trust, I can't think of a more powerful way to instill it than by showing up engaged and excited to communicate to your list.

Fall Back In Love With Your Newsletter happening next Wednesday can help. It's the perfect 1-hour "online quirky business retreat" if you:

  • Have been feeling “meh” about the emails you send.
  • Are frustrated with your newsletter and email marketing in general.
  • Want inspiration to create content that feels more like you AND your audience will pay attention to.
  • Take the pressure off yourself and gain more confidence.
  • Valuable tips to make email marketing feel sustainable, and less like a friggin chore.
  • Chance to win exciting prizes worth over $550!

The feedback from previous participants confirms there’s nothing stale or fuddy-duddy about this quirkshop:

“Alison K gave us super simple steps that I know will improve my newsletter and its impact for my followers. And it was one of the most interactive, fun workshops I've attended!" - Kim Jacob, President & Founder, Arvorei Communications Group

“One of the most fun workshops I've ever been to! Really helped take the pressure off myself about email marketing." - Amy Harrison, Pixels & Pieces

“Alison K was brisk and entertaining and generous with her expert knowledge!" – Christian

"Alison’s seminars are always super dynamic and incredibly engaging. I will take any course she’s teaching because she makes it fun, and I always walk away having learned so much! This quirkshop on newsletters is a prime example—fun, engaging, and informative. I mean really, how much fun can *newsletters* be?! Take this and find out—you'll be pleasantly surprised!" - Sarah Delaney, Retail Consultant

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to me. I'm here to help, Darlin.

>>> Nab your spot! <<<

- Alison K

P.S. I also have complementary DEI tickets available if that would be appreciated by you or someone you know. Please spread the word!

Alison K Consulting, 3271 Agricola Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K4H4, Canada

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