Satisfy your craving for better marketing results.

Instead of making the usual Marketing Snacks issue, I want to make the last issue for 2023 about you:

Imagining you had everything you needed to make it happen, what would your DREAM marketing project be?

No answer is too big, too small, too zany, or too practical.

Hit reply and tell me your answer. It'll be just between you and I.

I promise to reply to you with mine. And then who knows... maybe by putting it out there, our respective dreams might come true!

So until January 11th, thank you for all the good you put out into the world. And also for keeping me snug in your inbox.
Your marketing BFF this year, and the next, and the next…
Alison K

Alison K Consulting, 3271 Agricola Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K4H4, Canada

PS: I hope you find rest and relaxation at some point in the next few weeks!

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