Plus, a slight change to the ol Marketing Snacks…
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August 2023 Edition: Satisfy your craving for better marketing results.
This newsletter is moving to bimonthly delivery!

After years of monthly noshing, Imma raid the Marketing Snacks drawer a little more frequently. This newsletter will remain the same format of sweet and salty marketing goodness... just twice a month (2nd and 4th Thursdays).

Thank you to everyone who has had such kind words about this little periodical. You’ll get double the nibbles starting in September!

How to use conversations to replicate your ideal clients

Ever thought conversations could be your superpower for finding your ideal clients? No?

Well, that's about to change, Darlin!

Join myself and Mary Jane Copps on September 20th at 12 p.m. Eastern for a special free webinar. We’ll blend audience attraction and sales conversations to replicate your ideal clients:
  • How to find and learn more about your ideal clients
  • How to approach them and request a conversation
  • What to say in that conversation
  • And other goodies that will bring harmony to the feeling of “ugh, sales conversations!”

Mary Jane is a sales/business legend around these parts, and I am deeply honoured to be sharing virtual space with her. Will we see you there?

My question to you: when you complete work with a client, do you include a moment for feedback from them? There’s gold in those conversational hills!

The PR Power Play workbook

PR can feel like that elusive “earned media channel” only larger brands can tap into. Well, my colleague Lillian Ledoux feels strongly that all founders have incredible stories to share. The trick is to check your mindset before diving into the tactics.

Her “PR Power Play Workbook” addresses the (legit) fears and blocks around sharing your story (aka: your angle for PR). It also features prompts and resources to help you break out of those limiting beliefs and build a healthy PR (and thus, marketing) mindset. I mean, she literally wants you to “become the best-selling global leader version of yourself.” What’s not to love about that?

My question to you: who do you already have a connection that shares the same ideal audience as you do? Collaborating together is a great way to boost awareness of your mutual offerings.

Social Proof: 5 new studies that prove its continued persuasive power

No, this isn’t an “add testimonials to your website because of clout” article. These 5 case studies are suuuuuuper interesting if what you offer is complex, innovative, or your goal is to spur people into action (hello, impact KPIs!). It explores the outcomes of using “social proof” in some unique ways and how it can be applied to everyday marketing. Ok, so there is a typical ecomm one in there, but also one about a robot’s influence on folks’ reactions to, um, “eliminate” a threat.

My question to you: where’s the proof in your marketing that the good, nuanced, holistic, bespoke, approachable, heart-centered work you do will help people with the transformation they seek? ‘Cus that’s where you nail the “trust” part of “the like/know/trust factor” we’re all seeking in our messaging.

Email sequence templates to get you unstuck

Driptscripts is one of those tools I must pull out of my tickle trunk for clients at least twice a month. Hell, I crack it open when I’m about to write a new email sequence. I’m cautious of templates, though. Because, when used incorrectly, you run the risk of sounding like everyone else. And in email marketing, this is especially risky. Because shitty Mc Spammy Spam and all that.

So don’t flock to this free resource to copy > paste > send. Instead, use it as a supporting guide to create flow and connection between each email in a sequence. A starting point for your own bespoke messaging. A playground for you to frolic in! And whooooo boy, it’s got a pile of tone, length, and utility to swim through:

  • New subscriber welcome sequences
  • Product validation concepts
  • Product launch sequences
  • Webinar pre/post series

My question to you: even with all the templates, do you still find creating email sequences that feel authentic to your audience and purposeful to your goals draining? That’s natural, and I can help. Hit reply, and we’ll chat about it!

The description for this stock photo was “angry senior businessman sitting at his desk and screaming”. I dedicate it to Doug.
That thing you fear about social media happened to me. And yet I lived to tell the tale!

Something that comes up with clients is a fear that getting personal in marketing will result in bad stuff. You know: trolls, colleagues thinking less of you, committing social faux pas when you had good intentions... all that stuff.

It's totally a legitimate concern. But also a “what if” that holds us back from showing up as authentic beings of realness in a world of fake, systemic, harmful, status quo bullshit. Which is dearly needed and worth moving out of our comfort zones for.

So, practicing what I coach, I put a post on LinkedIn that had been rolling around in my head for friggin months. It was about my queer journey and how to be queer inclusive as a founder beyond changing your logo to a rainbow for a few weeks.

But I've gotta point out that not only was this the most engaged post I’ve ever had, it also produced Baby’s First Comment Dillhole™.

Indeed, my very own “man who I had zero connections with who coded his contempt for queer people with ‘this isn’t appropriate for LinkedIn’ argument” had shown up to fart in my comments. And he kept right on crop dustin’ as awesome peeps weighed in on how ridiculous he was being.

A post I wrote with specific intentions had taken on a life of its own.

So did I lose clients? Did colleagues cancel their lunch dates with me? Did I trash all the other vulnerability pieces I was working on to share in the future? Did I magically turn straight?


What happened was something I knew I could count on: support both online and offline from people who cared. Who knew what I was talking about. Who were ready to call out the bullshit. My own strength comes from the support of the networks and communities I’ve cultivated. For that, I am forever thankful.

So! Next time you feel the pull to be vulnerable in your marketing, I say do it. The Comment Dillholes of the world want us to feel like we shouldn’t proceed. To stop advocating for change. To take down our posts, fall in line, and shut up.

But there are a hell of a lot more people willing to support your truth.

Folks that look up to you and value your experience and point of view more than you can ever know

And I’m right here with them, Darlin’. Celebrating your whole self, the work you’re doing to make this little blue marble a better place, ready to fart right back in their Comment Dillhole faces.

Alison K Consulting, 3271 Agricola Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K4H4, Canada

PS: need really specific marketing advisory? I
now offer 90 minute and  ½ day VIP sessions if short but potent engagements full of jokes, swear words, and positive reinforcement are your jam.

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